What I’ve Written
I’ve written 100s of articles, book chapters, tutorials and columns on technology subjects. Some of it as a paid professional writer, some as a self publisher, and others as a volunteer for several non profit technology oriented professional associations.
Take a close look at my work and you’ll get a very solid understanding of the technical depth and expertise I can bring to the table, and you can even get a feel for how I think and the value that I could bring your endeavors.
My most recent work can be found in my blog AdamsAndBits.com. I’ve written over 160 blog articles and posts. Some are large and complex articles, while the rest of the blog posts are short posts on specific technology news.Below I have highlighted several of the more interesting articles.
Agile and Scrum Articles

I’ve written a number of articles on Scrum and Agile topics. Check out this book review of 3 top Agile books that everyone should own.
Scrum Alliance Articles
The Scrum Alliance editorial team has reviewed, approved and published several of my articles. View my Scrum Alliance profile.

Design Related Articles
I created a series of articles on UX design, design ideas and product development strategy.
Mobile Technology Articles
There are an enormous amount of articles on mobile technology reporting on trends and significant news.
Books & More
My work on these books and tutorials was paid professional work. Publishers and agents recuited me to contribute to these books and write these tutorials because of my reputation in the IBM professional community at that time. I’ve since moved on to other technologies like native mobile app dev on iOS and Android, after my work at IBM and IBM business partners.
IBM DeveloperWorks Tutorials – 2003

I wrote three IBM DeveloperWorks Tutorials on Lotus Domino 6 and WebSphere Portal Server.
Options for portalizing Domino applications (link to PDF copy)
This tutorial was selected to be featured on Lotus’ home page and on the IBM DeveloperWorks home page. It is written for Domino/Notes & WebSphere developers who want to enable Domino applications for use in WebSphere Portal Server.
Using policies in Lotus Domino 6 (link to PDF copy)
This tutorial provides an introduction to policies and then walks you through a real-world scenario that shows how to set up policies on multiple servers.
Managing inbound spam in Lotus Domino 6 (link to PDF copy)
This tutorial is written for Domino/Notes administrators who want control over spam or junk mail using Domino’s advanced anti-spam features.
Books published on a large scale

Special Edition Using Lotus Notes and Domino R5 – 1999 (link to Amazon book page)
This book was published by Que Publishing in 1999, a book publisher very well known in the technology book market. I was 1 of the Contributing Authors that wrote 2 chapters of this book. It is one of those very large books with the many chapters all written by different authors.

Professional Developer’s Guide to Domino – 1997 (link to Amazon book page)
This book was also published by Que Publishing and I was a Contributing Author on this book. I wrote some of the first material published on developing web applications with these technologies.
Many other columns and articles
In my many years volunteering for various technology focused non-profit professional associations and user groups, I’ve written dozens and dozens of articles and columns for print newsletters.